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Recent Updates & Activities


The formal vote for Union of the two churches took place today at Balmerino Parish Church.

The meeting was constituted in prayer by the Interim Moderator Rev Dr Amos Chewachong, with Rev David Sinclair acting as the Fife Presbytery Advisor in attendance.  A quorum of members totalling 34 from the churches was present.  The vote was cast, and the returns counted; the result was unaminous in favour as follows:

18  -  In Favour  -  Balmerino

16  -  In Favour  -  Wormit            

None were Against for either church

The result will be Minuted and approved by each Kirk Session, and presented to Fife Prebytery Session for approval.

Following these constitutional formalities,  a Commissioning Service of Union will be held - date, time, and location to be confirmed.  Other formalities, like constituting one Kirk Session, appointing the Officers of the unified Church, and the merger of the Finances will follow in due course.

We wish to thank all our Sessions, Members, the other local churches, Amos, David, and Presbytery in their support throughout this process.  Your grace and constructive positivity has been very much appreciated.

Most importantly, we will now have One Parish, One Session, One body of Members in fellowship and worship as One Church for the witness of Jesus Christ in our communities, and to the glory of God above all.

For reflection, from Ephesians 6:10-12:

"Finally, build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power."


Notice is hereby given that a vote regarding the proposed Unionof Balmerino and Wormit Churches will take place on Sunday 28 January 2024, after the joint, 9.30 am morning service in Balmerino church.


The outcome of the vote will be announced to both congregations on the day and will also be available on both church websites within 48 hours.



Interim Moderator

Rev Dr Amos Chewachong

Read:  14 January 2024 at Balmerino Parish Church 

Read:  21 January 2024 at Wormit Parish Church


This years Wormit Parish Church AGM is being held at 7pm on Tuesday 12th September 2023 in the East Hall.  The 2022 church account can be downloaded from this website.

Further updates and reminders will be made through the intimations at the start of each Sunday service.


There is a special service being led by Dr Greenshields is Moderator of the General Assembly and is in that role as a Minister based in Fife. Some may have seen his beautiful contribution to the service for the late Queen at St Giles in September. We are blessed to have him come and lead our worship. The unusual time of 1500 is designed to get commitment across our local cluster of 6 churches. We urge readers of this to come along and support us on this final Sunday of Advent.


Sun. 27-Nov-2022 at 09:30 - First Sunday of Advent - Balmerino by Graham Peacock

Wed. 30-Nov-2022 at 19:00 - Advent Reflection (Readings: Luke) - Balmerino by John Macmillan

Sun. 04-Nov-2022 at 09:30 - Second Sun. of Advent - Wormit by Rev David Scott

Wed. 07-Nov-2022 at 19:00 - Advent Reflection (“Waiting”) - CFK by John Macmillan

Sun. 11-Dec-2022 at 09:30 - Third Sunday of Advent 9 Carols and Lessons -  Balmerino by Chris Hill.

Wed. 14-Dec-2022 19:00 - Advent Reflection - Zoom Service (Prayers for Blessing) by John Macmillan 

Sun. 18-Dec-2022 at 15:00 Final Sunday of Advent - Wormit by Rev Dr Iain Greenshields Moderator* 

Wed. 21-Dec-2022 at 19:00 - Final Advent Reflection (Christmas tunes) - Wormit by John Macmillan

Sat. 24-Dec-2022 at 19:00 - Christmas Vigil Service (“Waiting over?”) - Wormit by John Macmillan (Instead of Watchnight).

Sun. 25-Dec-2022 at 10:30 Christmas Morning service (“Unqualified joy and love….again”) - Balmerino by John Macmillan

*Dr Greenshields is Moderator of the General Assembly and is in that role as a Minister based in Fife. Some may have seen his beautiful contribution to the service for the late Queen at St Giles in September. We are blessed to have him come and lead our worship. The unusual time of 1500 is designed to get commitment across our local cluster of 6 churches. We urge readers of this to come along and support us on this final Sunday of Advent.


14-Apr-22  Maundy Thursday Service

The congregation of Creich Flisk and Kilmany, invite you to join them at their Maundy Thursday service at 7pm on 14 April 2022 in Creich Church. The service and communion will be led by Rev Leslie Barrett.


15-Apr-22  Good Friday Service

Newport-on-Tay Church are holding a Good Friday Service at 7pm on 15 April 2022.  The service will be led by Rev Dr Amos Chewachong.


17-Apr-22  Easter Sunday Service

On Easter day our joint Balmerio l/w Wormit service will be in Wormit Church at 9.30am and will be led by Rev Dr Amos Chewachong.



Every Thursday at 7pm  -  Starting 31st March 2022

Church Green, Blyth Street, Newport-on-Tay

Let us join together as a community to stand with the people of Ukraine in their hour of need.

Twitter:  @RememberUkraine

Vigil Poster link


We have had many enquiries asking how people here can help Ukraine and seeking news specifically about the situation in Zolotarevo. Through Marian Heredia and Ann Patskan we are being kept up-to-date.

Firstly Zolotarevo is on the western edge of Ukraine (Transcarpathia region) and is not subject to direct military assault or threat at this time. We know that some people who work in other parts of Ukraine have returned 'home' but we understand that some (mostly men) have joined those helping to resist the invasion. At the moment we aren't getting the impression that large numbers of people are seeking refuge in the area,. Zolotarevo is not on a direct east-west route to the borders with Slovakia and Hungary. Obviously in this awful tragedy, all could change very rapidly and we are relying on our contacts for up-to-date information. 

The Twinning Association has a small amount of money currently earmarked for further extra-educational support in Zolotarevo. Should the Zolotarevo community request humanitarian assistance that would be considered quickly by the Trustees with guidance from the Scottish Charity Registrar (OSCR). The Association does'nt need donations but money is urgently required by the principal UK and international aid agencies (see 3 below).

Secondly there are groups requesting donations, trying to get various commodities to Ukraine or to the surrounding countries receiving refugees. Fife Voluntary Action's website provides details Local radio, newspapers (Fife Today, Dundee Courier etc) and the internet are probably as reliable sources to identify collection centres and what is needed. Try if possible to check as some have had to suspend collection in order to process what they have already received. 

One group in CUPAR is asking specifically for:-

  • small baby toys

  • children's and baby clothes

Collection at St John's Church Hall, Bonnygate  Saturday 6th, 11am - 1pm

Thirdly the Aid Agencies need money. If you aren't able to provide the materials needed (above) or collection centres are not easily accessible then much needed cash is probably the most practical and helpful thing you can do. This morning the british government pledged to match donations (up to £20million) made to 'DEC' the UK Disasters Committee Ukraine Appeal (includes 15 UK charities incl Red Cross).

UK Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC):

International Rescue Committee (IRC):



Fourthly you may wish to access on-line information from inside Ukraine. We cannot vouch for these but as far as we can tell they appear to be authentic.

  • Kyiv Independent

  • New Voice of Ukraine

Finally it may seem futile but displaying emblems, banners, flags in Ukraine national colours helps keep attention on this dangerous and tragic turn of events and will possibly be of some assurance to many fellow residents who have links with other central and eastern european nations who will be gripped by this horror possibly even more than we are. Fife Council are hoping to get a Ukrainian flag to be flown from Blyth Hall in Newport.

Stephen Rottger

on behalf of NaZTA


Dear Presbytery Clerks,  FIF Conveners and members,

Greetings to you from the Faith Impact Forum and please excuse the impersonal email but we wish to get this to you today as it is really a time critical issue. Please find attached an email from our Convener, Susan Brown with information about the situation in Ukraine and particularly about the support of our partners there. We are fortunate to have good links with the Reformed Church in Hungary and a way in which we can support the congregations in Ukraine.

I would be grateful if you can send this out through your networks to congregations and for those with upcoming Presbytery meetings that you could highlight this. I am sorry this is coming late in the day for those who meet tonight but  I hope you can add this to any other business.

With grateful thanks,


Carol Finlay| Congregational Engagement  | Faith Action Staff | The Church of Scotland  

Nikki Skinner| Congregational Engagement  | Faith Action Staff | The Church of Scotland  

Scottish Charity Number SC011353  


Fife Presbytery have shared a letter with us that they have asked to be circulated at church, email and on the website.  You can open the letter here... Mission and Plan Update

This letter and other Presbytery news and information can be accessed through this link:


Our Sunday services will be at the following churches and times:-


2 January – Wormit Church – 9.30 am - Rev. David Scott

9 January – Balmerino Church – 9.30 am – Communion Service – Rev. David Scott

16 January – Wormit Church – 9.30 am - Rev. David Scott

23 January – Balmerino Church – 9.30 am - Mr. John Macmillan

30 January – Wormit Church – 9.30 am - Rev. David Scott


6 February – Wormit Church – 9.30 am - Rev. David Scott

13 February – Balmerino Church – 9.30 am - Rev. Dr. Ken Jeffrey

20 February – Wormit Church – 9.30 am - Mr. John Macmillan

27 February – Balmerino Church – 9.30 am - Rev. Dr. Ken Jeffrey


PASTORAL SERVICES will be provided by our Interim Moderator, Rev Dr Amos Chewachong, Tel: 01382 542893

Our HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE will be held on Sunday 26 September at 11am.  This is a time when we thank God for all he provides for us.  If you wish to help those in need you are invited to either bring some food items for the Tay Bridgehead Foodbank or make a donation in the open plate for Christian Aid.

BLYTHSWOOD SHOEBOX APPEAL – there is still time to fill a box or bag for our appeal.  Please remember that all boxes and bags need to be brought to the church by Sunday 17 October, so that they can be distributed in time for Christmas. If you have any questions please speak to Kim Falconer.

FIFE VOLUNTARY ACTION AFGHANI REFUGEE APPEAL – the appeal now has all the clothes that they require at the moment, but if you should still like to assist the appeal you can go to the website – – and donate.  These funds will be used to purchase specific items and to pay other charities and community groups to provide direct support to Afghan refugees in Fife.

Next COMMUNION SERVICE will be on 7 November 2021

REMEMBERANCE SERVICE will be on 14 November 2021


Please note the changes to the arrangements for the October services

3 October 2021 – Balmerino Church 9.30 am

10 October 2021 – Wormit Church 11 am

17 October 2021 – Wormit Church 9.30 am

24 October 2021 - Balmerino Church 9.30 am

31 October 2021 – Wormit Church 9.30 am


On 31 August, Fife Presbytery’s Church & World Task Group hosted a discussion with representatives of Fife Council, Fife Voluntary Action and Fife Migrants Forum to consider how Presbytery could support efforts being made on a multi-agency basis to welcome Afghani Refugees to Fife.

One action they would like churches to consider that would help immediately was to raise awareness and contribute to the Fife Voluntary Action Afghani Refugees Crowdfunder Appeal.

Fife Presbytery are encouraging Fifers to help raise funds for Afghan families coming to Fife. All funds will be used to buy items, which have not already been donated, to support families.

If you'd like to donate, please visit

For information on how/where to donate goods, please visit or call on 0800 389 6046.


Fife Voluntary Action is working with our public sector partners, other third sector organisations and the people of Fife to welcome and support Afghan refugees looking to settle here in Fife.

Right now, we are expecting refugees imminently and understand that many have fled for their lives without their personal belongings. We'd like the generous people of Fife who wish to help address this humanitarian crisis to donate the following items:

  • Baby clothes and items, including nappies;
  • Children's clothes and toys;
  • Adult clothes - particularly warmer clothes and jackets;
  • Money (we will use this to purchase specific items/sizes that we have not yet had donated, and to pay other charities and community groups to provide direct support to Afghan refugees in Fife.).
We will update this list regularly to reflect the donations we are receiving as well as specific needs as we get to know the families who are arriving in Fife

How to Donate Goods

We want to make it easy to donate, and so have a list of drop-off points across Fife (we are adding to this list regularly too!):

  • Dunfermline - Dunfermline East Church, Nightingale Place, KY11 8LW (Tue-Thu, 9am-3pm);
  • Glenrothes - FVA offices at Caledonia House, Saltire Centre, KY6 2AL (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm);
  • Kirkcaldy - FVA offices at New Volunteer House, East Fergus Place, KY1 1XT (Monday to Friday, 9am   to 5pm);
  • Kirkcaldy - Salvation Army, Hayfield Road, KY2 5DG (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm);
  • Colinsburgh - Library, Main Street, KY9 1LS (Fri & Sat, 9am to 12noon);
  • Ceres - Village Cafe, 28 Main Street, KY15 5NA (Thu - Sat, 9-11am);
  • Cupar - Howe of Fife Rugby Club, Duffus Park, KY15 5HY (Mon to Fri 10-2pm, Tue & Thu 7-8pm);
  • St. Andrews - NE Fife Communtiy Hub, St David's Building, Albany Park, KY16 8BP (Mon - Fri, 9am-2pm)

If you have any donations but can’t get to any of the above places to deliver, please bring your items to the church and they will be delivered for you.

Any queries please call Kim Falconer (01334 838827)


Unfortunately todays recording failed to record.  Please accept our sincerest apologies.  Hopefully normal service will resume next Sunday.  
Every blessing in the name of our Lord

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